Our Pastor Emeritus

And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding. -- Jeremiah 3:15

The Call to Ministry

Apostle Larry Clayton Hamner, anointed to preach the gospel, has been bringing good news to the people of God for over forty four years. He is the youngest of thirteen children born to the late Rev. Henry A and Mary L. Hamner both accomplished in the word of God. After his enlistment in the US Air Force, he returned to Cincinnati, Ohio where he joined the House of God under the leadership of the late Chief Apostle F. C. Scott where three of his older brothers, Minister Leon, Deacon Joh, and Deacon George Hamner were members.

It was in this church that he dedicated himself to a personal relationship with Christ and received the gift of the Holy Spirit shortly afterward. With a thirst for knowledge and a zeal for understanding, he along with Apostle Paul Scott, Minister Robert Harris and his older brother, Dr. John H. Hamner started a bible research "think tank" called Truth Thru Reasoning. "Ham" as he was affectionally called would spend hours reading and researching the truth of God's Word.


While attending the University of Cincinnati, he married a young lady from his local congregation, Sandra Anita Bray in August of 1967. He continued his education at Central State University studying Physiology. In 1978 he and his wife relocated to San Francisco, California where they became charter members of the House of God, Inc. in San Jose, California under the leadership of Bishop Ronald & First Lady Connie Brown from their local church in Cincinnati Ohio.

The Call to Shepherd

In October of 1968 he was appointed as pastor of the church when Elder Brown and family relocated to Kansas City. The church remained in San Jose until 1988 when the Lord lead him to move the church to Oakland, California, 6500 East 14th to a building that was previously used as a bar. The Lord blessed at the location and the church remained there util the Lord spoke to Apostle again. This time the move was to the west side of town where they purchased a modest two story church.

His journey in the House of God has been steadfast and he has proven to be a good and faithful servant. He has been elevated from Minister, to Elder, to Bishop and is one of the 12 Apostles of the House of God, Inc. He has served as District Superintendent of the Pacific Coast for many years. Apostle Hamner is a man who loves and cares for the people of God, full of wisdom, kindness and gentleness constantly seeking from God who to care for his sheep. His wife Sandra, of 50 years standing and walking with him a faithful companion, armed for spiritual warfare.

Step of a Good Man

Apostle often thank God for the two men who patiently shaped and fashion his ministry his two olive branches the late Rev. Henry A. Hamner, his dad and the former Chief Apostle of the House of God the late Dr. Fred C. Scott, his father in the gospel. As he continues in the path that God has set before him confident that his steps is ordered by the Lord. Pastor Hamner serves as a light to the entire community. His vision for the people is grand, his sights are hight, his future is unlimited because "the Steps of a Good man are ordered by the Lord."



Pastor Emeritus